Saturday, April 25, 2009

Panteon Guadelupe Cemetery

This morning's trek took us out to the edge of town to explore the cemetary. I was surprised to find that, for the most part, the graves are above ground, similiar to how cemeterys are in New Orleans. Many had individula crypts, but many were also packed 4 high as in this picture. Some of the graves were elaborate with statues and crosses, others were quite stark - just a wooden or metal cross with had writing on it, but almost without fail every site was decorated with fresh or plastic flowers, tinsel, and garlands. Mexico respects death. Just as Socorro, my old Spanish teacher, once told me, " Nancy, I have family in this life; I have family in the other. There is no difference."
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1 comment:

CC said...

Oooo, it was cool looking at the blown up version of this! Were you ever in Greece? I'll tell ya about the "cemeteries" there sometime!