Thursday, April 23, 2009

At Belles Artes

Since we don't have the pooch (Sultan) yet this week, we are taking advantage and seeing the sites that will be difficult to go to once we do. Today's adventure, (after a trip to the dentist for Nancy's broken tooth which was an adventure in itself) was Belles Artes. It's a wonderful building that was originally a convent, but now it's an art school. With the cool breeze whispering through the foyers this afternoon we could almost imagine all those little nuns who lived their lives out in this place.

Nancy Especially like this mural of women. We don't remrember it from past trips. It may, or may not be new - but it was new to us!
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1 comment:

CC said...

This picture really makes me want to get back to my art!!! ACK!!!