Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Writer in San Miguel

Posted by Picasa A travel shrine is supposed to be an expression of my journey in all its many manifestations. It should show how eager, how excited I am to be going. It should also show my hesitation --my joys and my fears.

Its primary purpose is to help me see and understand all the issues that surround this journey. What do I want to learn about Mexico? What do I want to learn in San Miguel de Allende? What do I want to learn about myself in San Miguel de Allende? These are questions my Travel Shrine is suppose to help me to clarify.

Shrines stretch back into antiquity, perhaps to the beginning of time when that first cave man lugged a special rock into his cave and placed it on his hunting alter. Here is my Travel Shrine.

I leave April 18th and will be gone two months. While there I will be working on three different writing projects. First, I'll be typing up my mother's memoirs that I've been taping every week now for the past two months. Second, I'll be finishing up 'Beyond Borders,' an anthology of nurses stories about working in a culture other than our own. And, third, I'll be polishing off my 'river poems' from a trip down the Mississippi. I plan to self-publish them into a chapbook off "LULU" once I return. So, it will be a very busy two months, but one during which I will be truly living out a fantasy. I'll be a ....

Writer in San Miguel

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